Spring Clean Up, the Aftermath


As part of our effort to improve the Hamlet of New Suffolk, The New Suffolk Civic Association (NCSA) hosted a spring cleanup of the neighborhood .  Civic minded adults and students met last Saturday at the beach parking lot for gloves, plastic bags and of course, the occasional photo that can be seen below.

The volunteers went far and wide across town collecting trash and debris.  After an hour and a half of work, Paul Caccioppo delivered 180 lbs of trash to the dump.  The Spring Clean up is just another example of the service the New Suffolk Civic Association provides the community.  In order to continue to serve the community in this and other ways, the New Suffolk Civic Association needs your support.  

Yes,  the NSCA's 2014 - 2015 Annual Membership Drive is still on and we are missing some of you!  We don't want to lose you, because your involvement is important to us and we need your continued support.

The membership year runs from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.  Membership fees are  $25 for a family, or $15 for an individual. Please mail your check to and contact details to: 

New Suffolk Civic Association

PO Box 642

New Suffolk, NY 11956

If you are not sure if you have paid your membership dues for this year, please contact Linda Auriemma, Vice President for Membership, atlaurie6656@aol.com or 631.734.8122.