By participating in the Town’s Comprehensive Plan process. Attend the meeting (on Saturday June 28th at 10 am in the school house), hosted by Heather Lanza (Planning Director, Town of Southold), for New Suffolk to learn more about the importance of zoning, land use and how New Suffolk compares to the town overall in related stats including the % of seasonal homes versus year-round, population, and commercial versus residential land. Heather Lanza will also provide an update on the status of the Comprehensive Plan Update.
This meeting is part one of a two-part series. Part one is Land Use & Zoning 101, this spring and summer to help citizens prepare for the next chapter in the Plan update: Land Use. If you can’t make it to one of the meetings, the information will be posted on the Town’s website under Planning/Comprehensive Plan Update within a couple weeks.
For more information, call Southold Town Planning at 765-1938 or visit the website at and click on the Planning Department page.