Update on Waterfront Survey and Plans
NSCA President Paul Cacioppo and Vice President Joe Polashock have had numerous meetings with the Officers and Directors of the NSWF at which time the critical concerns of the community have been discussed at length. On every occasion Paul and Joe have been told the NSWF wants community input and were willing to adjust their plans to address these concerns. As yet, proof of that commitment remains to be seen.
The response to the survey conducted by the Civic Association clearly favors a café or snack bar at the Galley Ho but not a full restaurant. While the survey also indicates that the community is supportive of various fund raising activities, the majority of responders clearly expressed they do not want any private, outdoor tented events. In response to this aspect of the survey, the Waterfront Fund’s recent Newsletter, Fall 2014, reads “….Understanding the community’s concerns about renting part of the property for private events, our board established a policy limiting such events to three per year, for large capital project funding, when necessary.” However, this policy still concerns many in the community, and it is hoped that a more palatable solution for the Waterfront’s fund raising needs can be found.
On October 11th at a meeting between both Boards, the results of the survey were discussed. It was requested by the NSCA that the NSWF have a goal of zero private outdoor-tented events, as accurately shown by the survey results. 10 days later the NSCA received the following response from Pat McIntyre. “…we discussed the goal, but tabled any decision as there are too many outstanding issues at this time.”
The Waterfront Fund Board has announced that it will hold Roundtable discussions at the Cutchogue - New Suffolk Library on Saturday Nov. 8 at 10:30 am, Wednesday Nov. 12 at 6 pm, and Monday Nov. 17 at 6 pm. The Waterfront will hold additional round table discussions to accommodate as many residents as might want to attend. The Civic Association encourages all those interested to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your views of plans for the waterfront, by sending an email tonewsuffolkfund@gmail.com (include name, phone number, email address, and what session(s) you could attend), or by phoning 566-0806. At the October 11 meeting, it was agreed by the Waterfront Board and the Civic Association Board that a member of the Civic Association Board would attend each of the Roundtables.
The Civic Association is still waiting to hear from the Waterfront Board for more definitive plans for the future development of the waterfront in keeping with the results of the Survey.
The New Suffolk Civic Association Board is working to help our Hamlet return to the friendly and open-hearted spirit that has always been a hallmark of New Suffolk. Only by working together in a respectful, honest and transparent manner will this renewal become a reality.